SJC Baseball Collects and Donates Over 125 Toys to Needy

SJC Baseball Collects and Donates Over 125 Toys to Needy

Written by Andrew Capitelli (SJC-LI Sports Information)

Patchogue, NY| For the second-straight holiday season, the St. Joseph's College (L.I.) baseball team has donated toys to needy children, this year providing over 125 contributions to the St. Joseph's College outreach services and the Wounded Warrior Project.

The team, along with head coach Richard Garrett, made the donations on Friday, December 14.

"These toy drives strengthen our communities and show our players how much of a difference they can make," said Garrett, whose team also collected enough food to feed 50 families on Thanksgiving for the second year in a row.

Not only does Coach Garrett value the opportunity to give back to the community, but he feels the experience works well as a team building exercise, a sentiment team captain James Terry echoes.

"The team feels that in sports, as in life, if we all work towards a common goal of making a difference, positive things will happen."

Come this spring, the team also plans to build Easter baskets for local children.